Tuesday, 18 March 2025

What Does Gadget Means?

Updated at: 10:25 AM. Under Category: Gadget

What Does Gadget Means? Gadget, in this modern era this phrase is often spoken by many people. Surely you've heard this phrase too, but do you know what does gadget means? This is the definition of gadget.

The gadget is a term that refers to a device or instrument that has a specific practical purpose and function is generally useful to be given to something new. The gadget is designed differently and more sophisticated than normal technology that existed at the time of its creation.

We always think that the means of a gadget as being some small mechanical device, ill-defined perhaps, but certainly ingenious or novel. The confirmation submits that it was originally one of those hand-waving terms for something one for the moment can’t remember the technical name for — a thingummy, a thingy, a what’s-his-name, a doohickey or dingus.

There is subjective proof, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, for this sense having been around since the 1850s. The source is rather unclear, but an acceptable suggestion is that it comes from French gâchette, a lock mechanism, or from the French dialect word gagée for a tool.

In World English Dictionary:

gadget  (ˈɡædʒɪt)
— n
1.     a small mechanical device or appliance
2.     any object that is interesting for its ingenuity or novelty rather than for its practical use
[C19: perhaps from French gâchette  lock catch, trigger, diminutive of gâche  staple]
— adj

The use of this word can be associated with several things like technology, electronics, software, music industry, etc., so it could have wide-ranging meanings.


Gadgets in a general sense are means as an electronic device that has a specific function on each device. For example: computer, laptop, digital camera, mobile phone, game console, and more.

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